Conventions for the typing of verses

1. General aspects

In most cases, no special rules need to be followed for typing in verses; the program usually recognises consonantal Is and Us, so that users may freely write U or V, I or J, in any position.

Instances have been recorded, however, in which the program stated it was unable to scan some verses or wavered between different possibilities, and therefore required additional information to accept an anomaly or solve an ambiguity. The solution in cases such as these is to add an explanatory note just after the problematic word, so as to present it again according to conventions that will clear any syllabification, prosodic, phonetic or syntactic doubts. This note will have to be marked by the characters (== e ) and only contain capitals and conventional symbols. Since the program will not syllabify the content in brackets, it is strictly necessary to provide all the information required: users must mark Us and Is as either vowels or consonants (U and I = vowels; V and J = consonants; JJ = intervocalic I), as well as all diphthongs and hiatuses in vowel sequences. The non-alphabetical marks that may be used are:
underscore _ separates two vowels in a hiatus both within the same word (A_ERA) and between words (EPHYRE_)
dot . combines two or more vocals through a diphthong or synizesis (RE.I)
short quantity - assigns a short quantity to the preceding vowel (NI-SI)
long quantity + assigns a long quantity to the preceding vowel (DI+U)
apostrophe ' replaces a dropped S (TORVU')
N.B.: in the explanatory notes the marks- (short) and + (long) replace the usual because they are easier to type
Let us consider the most common cases in which it may be necessary to insert an explanatory note (== ).

2. Distinguishing U and I

The need to distinguish the vowels U and I from the consonants V and J may arise in some cases in which the program is incapable of making this distinction itself:

3. Use of the mark . (dot) between two (or more) vowels

4. The use of the mark _ (underscore) between two vowels

The program detects words containing the bisyllabic groups AE, OE and AU. The few instances in which further specification may be required may be boiled down to the following circumstances:

  • Homographs, such as aera/aëra, which are not solved by the metrical context. For example:

    • Et quasi permanare per aeris(==A_ERIS) interuallum.
      since both homographs, AËRIS (trisyllabic) and AERIS (bisyllabic), would be possible in the metrical context, it is necessary to further specify

  • The odd loosening of a dyphthong. For example:

    • Siquis forte manu premere ac siccare coepit(==CO_EPIT).
      here it is necessary to note that COEPIT is exceptionally trisyllabic
    • Sole dies lunamque dein(==DE_IN) patiuntur in ortus
      here it is necessary to note the lack of synizesis in a vowel group that poets usually treat as being monosyllabic

5. The use of the mark _ (underscore) to indicate the position of a hiatus

The program may fail to scan a verse because it cannot choose between several positions for a hiatus; in such cases, the mark _ must be added at the end of the word where the hiatus occurs; for example:

6. Assigning an unusual prosody to a word

The program envisages the possibility that the prosody of word may vary or ? as is far more common ? that different prosodies may simply be due to homography. Still, very unusual prosodies may occur that the program is not familiar with and which must therefore be marked through an explanatory note. For example:

7. The drop of an S must always be marked by replacing the letter with the mark ' (apostrophe)